Posts Tagged With: aladdin

Classic Disney Movie Remakes – Yay Or Nay?

Lately, Disney has been following a new trend of re-making animated Disney classics into live action films

Recently, films such as Aladdin, Dumbo & The Lion King have been re-released as live action films, and over the past few years we have seen The Jungle Book as well as Beauty And The Beast be re-done as well. And slated to be re-made are The Little Mermaid, Lady & The Tramp, Fox & The Hound, and the list goes on

The remakes have been doing well in theaters, as Disney has a VERY loyal fan base – anything Disney is always popular, and always makes a TON of money.

That being said, I have to say – I am NOT a fan of these remakes – at all. They are boring, lifeless, and lose all the magic that the originals carried with them. Maybe it’s just me, and maybe the magic is all in my head – since the original Lion King and Aladdin are ones I remember seeing in theaters as a kid (and then re-watching over and over again on VHS!), and so for movies like those – no remake can compare.


My son recently watched the animated Aladdin, and loved it – the Genie was a favorite, as was Abu – and when I asked him if he wanted to watch the live action version and showed him the trailer of it online, he was very adamant that he did NOT want to watch the remake. I don’t blame him – I don’t want to watch it either #sorrynotsorry

But – I would LOVE to hear what YOU think – are these remakes worth a trip to the movie theater? Or is Disney just trying to make money off of the nostalgia factor?

Categories: Disney in Pictures, Disney News, The World Outside Disney | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Saying Farewell To The World’s Greatest Genie – Robin Williams

I am sure that by now, you have all heard the shocking news of Robin William’s death which occurred Monday evening. America has had so many laughs thanks to him and his many movie roles and stand up acts, and he will always be remembered for the joy he brought to us all.


Aladdin was one of the first movies I remember seeing in the theater, and I watched it so much I wore out the VHS (remember those?). The main reason this movie was such a hit can really be attributed to Robin William’s amazing portrayal of the Genie – he made us laugh and as we all know, laughter can cure whatever ails you!


Unfortunately, laughter wasn’t enough for Robin, as he had some internal battles that he was dealing with which ultimately lead to his death, you can read more about the demons that plagued the actor here

RIP Robin – your legacy will live on for generations to come, and thanks for making me laugh when I really needed it

Categories: Disney News, The World Outside Disney | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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